AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber8 installation on IBM (power4) with SUSE 9.1 Linux (IBM XLF compiler)

From: David A. Case (
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 09:40:30 CDT

On Tue, Apr 19, 2005, Soo Joo wrote:
> ./configure xlf90_suse ( I changed suse8.1 to suse9.1 in configure file. )
> And the message says "ONLY HAVE MPICH for parallel"

This looks like a bug in configure. Try removing lines 811-813 and see what
happens. Maybe some xlf gurus can weigh in here....

> ./configure -mpich xlf90_suse
> /usr/bin/cpp -I/install/post/node_env/mpich/mpichgm-1.2.6..14a/gm/ppc64/smp/ibm

You should not be using /usr/bin/cpp, but rather /opt/ibmcmp/xlf/8.1/exe/cpp
(see line 807 of the configure script). What is the value of the "FPP"
variable in your config.h file? If it is not the xlf version of cpp, can you
figure out why? When I run configure with your arguments, I get:

FPP= /opt/ibmcmp/xlf/8.1/exe/cpp -I/usr/local/mpich2/include $(FPPFLAGS)

in my config.h file. Somehow, it looks like this is not happening for you.


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