AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: hi
From: Steven Winfield (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2007 - 16:21:01 CST
Hi Anju,
You need to talk to whoever compiled your copy of AMBER or the
administrator for your system. Nucgen, and I suspect all the other
programs in the AMBER suite, have been compiled to load libraries at
runtime but cannot find them. This suggests the computer you are running
on and the computer AMBER was compiled on are set up differently.
Asking for it to be recompiled with -static might help.
Anju Sharma wrote:
> Hello Steven Sir,
> as directed by you i set the path of AMBERHOME. What i did is as follows:
> >echo $AMBERHOME
> ----------nothing appears----------
> >export AMBERHOME = /usr/local/amber8
> >echo $AMBERHOME
> /usr/local/amber8
> >cd exe
> >ls
> nucgen exe appears in list........
> >$AMBERHOME/exe/nucgen -O -i <> -o nuc.out -d
> $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/parm/nucgen.dat -p nuc.pdb
> /usr/local/amber8/exe/nucgen: error while lloading shared libraries:
> :cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory.
> this is wht i got wht should i do nw.
> sorry for bothering u agn....
> Anju
> On 2/13/07, *Steven Winfield* < <>>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try typing:
> and if nothing is printed then you need to set the AMBERHOME
> environment
> variable using (in the bash shell)
> export AMBERHOME=/path/to/your/amber/installation
> (obviously with your AMBER directory after the = sign)
> Then try running the command again. If you use bash as your shell it
> might be worth adding that line to your .bashrc file (again, if using
> bash) or similar.
> Regards,
> Steve.
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