AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: hi
From: Anju Sharma (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2007 - 22:44:45 CST
Hello Steven Sir,
as directed by you i set the path of AMBERHOME. What i did is as follows:
----------nothing appears----------
>export AMBERHOME = /usr/local/amber8
>cd exe
nucgen exe appears in list........
>$AMBERHOME/exe/nucgen -O -i -o nuc.out -d
$AMBERHOME/dat/leap/parm/nucgen.dat -p nuc.pdb
/usr/local/amber8/exe/nucgen: error while lloading shared libraries: :cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory.
this is wht i got wht should i do nw.
sorry for bothering u agn....
On 2/13/07, Steven Winfield <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try typing:
> and if nothing is printed then you need to set the AMBERHOME environment
> variable using (in the bash shell)
> export AMBERHOME=/path/to/your/amber/installation
> (obviously with your AMBER directory after the = sign)
> Then try running the command again. If you use bash as your shell it
> might be worth adding that line to your .bashrc file (again, if using
> bash) or similar.
> Regards,
> Steve.
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