AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: hi

From: Steven Winfield (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2007 - 04:42:16 CST


Try typing:


and if nothing is printed then you need to set the AMBERHOME environment
variable using (in the bash shell)

export AMBERHOME=/path/to/your/amber/installation

(obviously with your AMBER directory after the = sign)

Then try running the command again. If you use bash as your shell it
might be worth adding that line to your .bashrc file (again, if using
bash) or similar.



Anju Sharma wrote:
> hello
> Aftr installation of Amber8 i tried running the first tutorial bt got
> stuck in the first command only.
> I created <> file which contain my DNA sequence.
> Next step is to create DNA structure using synatx:
> $AMBERHOME/exe/nucgen -O -i <> -o nuc.out -d
> $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/parm/nucgen.dat -p nuc.pdb
> error m getting is /exe/nucgen is not valid file or directory... tried
> all the options to the best of my knowledge...but in vain.
> Please help me out how to continue...
> --
> Anju Sharma
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