AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber 8 on cygwin install problem

From: Maciej (
Date: Fri Mar 04 2005 - 00:51:32 CST

I dont care what compiler i use . Can you tell me what compiler i shuld use
to have less problems with amber instalation on cygwin ?? Compiler must have
only demo verision or like intel fre for non commercial use .

----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Case" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber 8 on cygwin install problem

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005, Maciej wrote:
> > I try to install maber8 on cygwin . I used to compile pgi workstation
5.2 and when i give command make serial i have that output
> > Starting installation of Amber8 (serial) at Thu Mar 3 11:46:45 2005.
> > mkdir ../exe
> > mkdir: cannot make directory `../exe': File exists
> > make: [serial] Error 1 (ignored)
> > cd lib; make install
> > mv new2oldparm ../../exe
> > mv: cannot move `new2oldparm' to `../../exe/new2oldparm': No such file
or directory
> First, since you are using a compiler that has no configuration option for
> it, you are probably going to have to learn how to fix some things
> There are lots of problems with the PGI compilers and Amber, and adding
> to the mix is probably just going to complicate things.
> Second, how did you prepare your config.h file? What is the value of SFX?
> Third, be sure to do a "make clean" before the make. Also, since you are
> in unfamiliar territory, just try to make one program at a time. For
> cd sander; make sander.exe. Once that works, you can go back and try to
> compile everything.
> ...dac
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