Exposure of Hydrophobic Surface Induced by Calcium-Binding to Calmodulin

Exposure of hydrophobic surface upon binding of calcium to calmodulin. Connolly surfaces of both the apo and calcium-loaded states of the two domains of calmodulin are shown with the same orientation in both states. The surfaces of hydrophobic residues (Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Met, Phe, Tyr) are shaded dark grey. The surfaces were rendered in Insight (MSI, San Diego) using PDB coordinates 1CFC (apo state) and 1CLL (calcium-loaded state). Model #1 from the 1CFC family was used.

This figure appeared as figure 7 in the book chapter:
Nelson, M.R., Chazin W.J., "Calmodulin as a calcium sensor" in Calmodulin and Signal Transduction (1998) L.J. Van Eldik and D.M. Watterson, eds. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 17-64.

There is also a similar color picture.

Details about file locations and color scheme. Internal access only

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