Download jaZip for Linux

Pick a distribution:

  1. jaZip-0.34.src.tar.gz is the source code distribution. This should work on all Linux boxes. In order to compile, you must first obtain and install version 0.88 or 0.89 of the XForms Library. You can get this library from the XForms download page, or for convenience, from my direct links to local copies of the glibc, glibc2.1, and the non-glibc Xforms 0.89 distributions.

  2. jazip_0.34-0potato2_i386.deb is the potato-compatible Debian package maintained by Peter S. Galbraith. For info about other Debian packages that Peter maintains, visit his page at

  3. I still keep the old versions of jaZip and xforms in case anybody is still using them.

If you run into any problems, please read the FAQ before sending me email :-)

jaZip user information form

The last time I tried to send email updates, something like 400 messages bounced, so I probably won't be doing that in the future. But please still fill out this form, especially your email address. I promise you won't get any spam; I keep this database only as a personal "guestbook".
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Iomega®, Jaz®, Zip®, and the logo are registered trademarks of the Iomega® corporation which does not endorse nor sponsor this site or the software distributed here.

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Last updated on 08/28/00