AMBER Archive (2008)Subject: AMBER: problems with sleap
From: Alan (alanwilter_at_gmail.com)
I have some small pdbs and I trying this:
cat >| sleap.in << EOF
source leaprc.ff03
source leaprc.gaff
set default fastbld on
X = loadpdb mypdb.pdb
saveamberparm X X.top X.xyz
sleap -f sleap.in >| sleap.out
For one I got top and xyz, but all others, I got this:
and it failed.
What's wrong with my pdbs? At tleap they load fine.
And I tried to convert them to mol2 (via babel). Now all failed:
for item in `ls ???.pdb`; do
base=`basename $item .pdb`
mkdir -p $base
cd $base
\cp ../$item .
babel -ipdb $item -omol2 $base.mol2
cat >| sleap_$base.in << EOF
source leaprc.ff03
source leaprc.gaff
set default fastbld on
$base = loadmol2 $base.mol2
saveamberparm $base $base.top $base.xyz
sleap -f sleap_$base.in >| sleap_$base.out
cd ..
Output for one case:
These new functionalities in sleap are very cool, when it works.
Any help here would be very appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,
-- Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge. 80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK. >>http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/~awd28<<
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