AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: website problems

From: Andreas Svrcek-Seiler (
Date: Sun Dec 09 2007 - 11:25:12 CST

>> The Tutorials page on the Amber website appears to have been hacked.
>> I have tried to access the HIV-integrase (loop dynamics) and the
>> MM-PBSA tutorials in the last two days and have found myself being
>> redirected to other sites outside of Amber. I previously had no
>> trouble accessing the tutorials.
> Can you give details? I don't see anything there that is outside the
> domain. Which particular links are you referring to?
...If you are using windows (and maybe even the internet explorer),
the problems might come from your machine. If this is true,
you might try to run some anti-virus/anti-malware software or
at least do an online virus/malware scan.
(I tried to access HIV-integrase and the MM-PBSA tutorials and saw nothing

good luck,
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