AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Unable to open MDCRD file using vmd
From: priya priya (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2007 - 10:04:19 CDT
Dear all,
i have run implicit solvent simulations for 30ns,and for output frequency i have given ntwx=50, so i have a big mdcrd file, i want to see the folding patway of my protein,but i am not able to open my mdcrd file using vmd1.8.3, i am using amber9.
steps to open mdcrd file i followd are
1. opened prmtop file using parm7 option and then loaded mdcrd file and selected crd option , but it says unable to load molecule, i have seen mdcrd file,it seems to be ok,but it is not working,
may i know where the problem is.
i have tred to open 100ps mdcrd file using vmd it is working.
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