AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Force field for RNA with U-turn motif

From: Cenk Andac (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2007 - 11:08:29 CDT

Thanks Vlad.

Any more comments? What about the new parmBSC0 force field?
or should I use a combination of both? For instance, can I just use parm99 parameters for the alpha torsion angle following U33 in the anticodon loop and use parmBSC0 parameters for the rest of the RNA?



Vlad Cojocaru <> wrote: Hi Jenk,

I believe amber ff99 is what you want ...


Cenk Andac wrote:

> Dear Amber community,
> I was wondering if anyone could recommend a suitable force field for
> the anticodon loop region of t-RNA showing a U-turn motif in its
> X-Ray structure..
> my best regards,
> jenk
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Dr. Vlad Cojocaru

EML Research gGmbH Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33 69118 Heidelberg

Tel: ++49-6221-533266 Fax: ++49-6221-533298


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