AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Machine environment to install AMBER 8

From: M. Maeda (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2007 - 00:17:03 CDT

Dear Bertland, Benjamin and all,

Thank you for your kind replies.

It seems that correction of only configure file is not enough
to make compilation of AMBER 8 with g95.

I understood we need Intel Fortran compiler for AMBER 8.
The g95 compiler is also usable for AMBER 9.

If the compilation of AMBER 8, are there any other system

For example, the MPI is necessary?
If no MPI, how slow the speed changes?

_/_/_/ $B<@ITI,@8!!=yITI,;`(B _/_/_/
_/_/_/ M. MAEDA _/_/_/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/

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