AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Machine environment to install AMBER 8

From: Benjamin Juhl (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2007 - 04:10:16 CDT

As you said you cahnged something in the makefile, i'd suggest you untar
the source code to a new directory and start there again.
Get the latest bugfix and apply it as desctibed in the INSTALL file, then do
,/configure -opteron g95
make clean
make serial

In your config.h , all the compilers should be set to the gcc, rtc. then
and not ifc. You can check this before doing make serial.
>From the x86_64, i guess you have opterons, so that option should also
be used - if not, just leave it out.


M. Maeda schrieb:
> Dear Benjamin,
> Thank you for rapid reply.
> I did not define any configure option because the following description
> I found in the head part of the ./configure file.
> ----
> Usage: ./configure [flags] [compiler/architecture]
> where <compiler/architecture> is one of:
> absoft, compaqf90, efc7, hpf90, ifc7, ifort, ia64_ifort,
> pgf90, sgi_altix, sgi_mips, sparc, xlf90_aix, xlf90_suse.
> If not specified then the compiler is guessed.
> ----
> Above options seemed not to appropriate to our system. Are there any
> compile option to select? (maybe -gnucompat?)
> With special thanks,
> Miki
> At 10:28 07/08/14 +0200, you wrote:
>> Hi Miki,
>> what configure options did you use and what does you config.h file look
>> like?
>> From the errors it looks like you are still trying to use the intel
>> compileers for which you have no license.
>> Benjamin
> _/_/_/ M. MAEDA _/_/_/
> _/_/_/ _/_/_/
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