AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: parallel compilation

From: David A. Case (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2007 - 09:55:02 CDT

On Mon, Jul 23, 2007, Francesco Pietra wrote:

> I compiled OpenMPI with "ifort" and "icc".
> For the successful serial compilation of Amber9 I only set "ifort_x86_64" for
> my platform in ./configure. Then, I noticed that also "gcc" was used for the
> compilation.
> Should the equivalent (if any) for "icc" be set in ./configure for the parallel
> compilation that I am ready to carry out? Or Sander and pmend and what else is
> compiled parallel use only the fortran compiler?

It's not clear if you tried what you have, and it failed, or if you have not
yet tried anything. Don't be afraid to experiment!

I don't *think* it makes any difference which C compiler is used.


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