AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: problem installing amber7
From: David A. Case (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2007 - 21:59:17 CDT
On Sun, Jun 10, 2007, Saiful Islam wrote:
> We have tried to install amber7 in the OS Linux, version Fedora Core 1.
Oooh...the current version of amber is Amber9, and Fedora is up to Fedora Core
7. If you don't have Linux/Unix experience, you may need to find someone who
has (see below).
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/saiful/amber7/src/leap/src/Wc'
> Makefile:961: *** missing separator. Stop.
> SharedAndDebuggedLibraryObjectRule()
This is odd, since it should only happen in the "ProjectX" variable in your
X-installation is < 5. Try typing "which xmkmf", which will give a clue
to what Fedora core 1 has (but I would think it would still be X11R6....).
The fact that bugfix.45 changed things right near the "#if ProjectX >= 5"
part of this Makefile makes me suspect that somehow the patch was not
successful. Can you post your corrected version of
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