AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: Problem with anisotropic pressure scaling

From: Linda Prengaman (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2007 - 08:23:30 CST

Dear Fellow AMBER Users:

I am trying to do a constant pressure MD run on a DMPC lipid bilayer. I would like to set ntp=2, as that seems more appropriate for membrane simulations. However, when I try to run the simulation, I get the following error message in the output file:

Unit 5 Error on OPEN:

This is a pmemd run (amber7).
I also get the following error in the nohup.out file (I am using no hookup)

  Unit 5 Error on OPEN:
[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!
p0_11748: p4_error: : 1
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
Killed by signal 2.
/usr/local/mpich-1.2.4/bin/mpirun: line 1: 11748 Broken pipe

The exact same job with ntp=1 runs with no error message.

Here is the input file in question:

Lipid Constraints
ATOM 1 5888

The box is orthogonal, so I don't understand what other problem there could be. Please help.

Thank you,
Linda Prengaman
Department of Chemistry
Carnegie Mellon University

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