AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: enzyme kinetics in silico

From: Fenghui Fan (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2007 - 15:34:41 CST

I prefer to try it and use it.

Best regards.

Fenghui Fan

--- Sean Rathlef <> wrote:

> Greetings simulation enthusiasts:
> Our group is nearing completion of a beta platform
> which will enable users to model enzyme kinetics
> constants (Km, Vmax, Ki, etc) on a computer as
> opposed to in the laboratory. It is the first such
> process of its kind, and can be used to model
> elasticity coefficients for metabolic control
> analysis (MCA). In knowing that access to kinetic
> data can be a limiting factor in the generation of
> models, I thought I would post this memo FYI.
> At present, we are seeking to identify prospective
> users for this technology. The methods will be
> included in an intuitive interface, whereby users
> will be able to model their enzymes and generate
> their kinetic data using a predefined set of
> software methods. Again, this is the first such
> platform of its kind, and we are hoping that the
> beta will be available for evaluation in a few weeks
> time.
> If any of you are interested in hearing more, or
> would like to be included on our list of future
> evaluators, please send me an email with your
> contact information to
> Thanks in advance, and we look forward to hearing
> from you soon.
> Sean Rathlef
> Managing Director
> Syncitium Inc

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