AMBER Archive (2006)

Subject: AMBER: SHAKE - ntc = 3

From: Jennie Thomas (
Date: Fri Jan 06 2006 - 19:05:09 CST

I am running a simulation of NO3- in water using the following frcmod file:

This is the additional/replacement parameter set for nitrate ion NO3-
ON 16.000 1.000
NO 14.000 0.000

ON-ON 500. 2.197
ON-NO 500. 1.269

ON-NO-ON 100. 120.0
ON-ON-ON 0. 60.
NO-ON-ON 0. 30.

ON-ON-ON-ON 2 0.0 0.0 2.
ON-ON-ON-NO 2 0.0 0.0 2.
ON-ON-NO-ON 2 0.0 0.0 2.
ON-NO-ON-ON 2 0.0 0.0 2.

  NO 1.88 0.1700
  ON 1.80 0.160

In my input file, I have specified ntc=3, so all of the bond lengths
should be fixed. However the O-O bond length (averaged over time) is
about 0.1 Angstroms shorter than the length specified in the force
field Here is the input file for the simulation:

# 100 ps const. vol. / const. temp. production; shake; polarizability
    imin = 0,

    ntx = 5, irest = 1,

    ntpr = 100, ntwr = 100, ntwx = 500,
    ntwd = 500,
    iwrap = 1,

    ntf = 2, ntb = 1,
    cut = 12, ipol = 1,
    max_field = 8.0, switch_fac = 0.9,

    nstlim = 100000, dt = 0.001, t = 0,

    ntt = 1, temp0 = 300.0, tautp = 1.0,

    ntc = 3, tol = 0.00000000001,

        jfastw = 0, watnam = 'PL3',
        owtnm = 'O', hwtnm1 = 'H1', hwtnm2 = 'H2',
      use_pme=1, eedmeth=1, vdwmeth=0
      a=30., b=30., c=100.
      indmeth=1, diptol=0.0001

Is there any reason why the O-O bond length is not being frozen to the
correct value using SHAKE?

Jennie Thomas
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