AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: AMBER: problem with xleap

From: Alessio Coi (
Date: Fri Jul 22 2005 - 08:47:23 CDT

Dear users,

I'm having a problem running xleap in Amber8, getting the following error:

> Wcl Error: WcWidgetCreation(xaLeap) - Failed
> Problem: No children could be created from Xrm database.
> Possible: Resource file not found
> user environment:
> XENVIRONMENT is not set,
> XAPPLRESDIR not terminated with '/'
> user environment or installation:
> $XENVIRONMENT/XaLeap does not exist.
> Possible: top level widget in resource file not named 'xaLeap'
> Error: Shell widget xaLeap has zero width and/or height

Looking at the FAQ, I found that someone had a similar problem and I followed
the suggestions...
Actually, I do not have the file XaLeap_wcl in $AMBERHOME/dat.
How can I solve the problem?


Alessio Coi

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