AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: Ptraj and order of operations
From: Furse, Kristina Elisabet (
Date: Wed Jul 13 2005 - 13:55:02 CDT
That makes sense--thanks!
Quoting Petr Kulhanek <>:
> Hello Kristina,
> >>>trajin test.crd 2 2
> >>>reference test.pdb.1
> >>>trajout pass.pdb pdb
> >>>image center familiar
> >>>rms first out rmsCheckPass :554
> >>>go
> >>>trajin test.crd 2 2
> >>>reference test.pdb.1
> >>>trajout fail.pdb pdb
> >>>rms first out rmsCheckFail :554
> >>>image center familiar
> >>>go
> rms fits selected residues by rotation of system. It means that also box
> is rotated. However image only works with original box orientation.
> So the corect order of actions is to perform image first and then rms.
> Therefore the second script is incorrect.
> If you use the second script then it can happen, in worst case, that
> solute will be overlaped with solvent. The introduced error only depends
> on how much the system is rotated by rms.
> Example script in amber manual is just example that works only and only
> if the system contains one solute molecule, water, and no counterions.
> Since the water is removed at the end, the error introduced by incorrect
> order of rms and image is eliminated.
> Best regards,
> Petr
> PS:
> if you want to use reference coordinates then you have to use
> rms reference out rmsCheckFail :554
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