AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: MM_PBSA help, please
Date: Tue Jul 12 2005 - 12:29:19 CDT
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
Sorry, another basic question. Once I have implemented the bugfix, I have
to recompile the program again? So in this case, I have to recompile sander?
Best Regards,
==============Original message text===============
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 12:34:56 EDT "David A. Case" wrote:
On Tue, Jul 12, 2005, wrote:
> Ok, so looking at the statement below from the bugfix page:
> "Alternatively, if the Unix patch(1) program is available, the diff for
> each file can be put in its own file (patchfile) and patch run as follows"
> I made the attached file (take the modified file and put them in a file
> called patchfile). Would this file be correct to run as the patchfile?
> How does the program know where to put the corrections?
It doesn't. Don't edit the file you download from the web site. Just feed
it to "patch" as is: it will ignore anything it doesn't need.
For such a tiny patch as you are considering, doing it "by hand" (in a text
editor) is certainly also a realstic approach. But in the long run, you will
be well served by learning to use patch.
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