AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: building nucleic acids
From: David A. Case (
Date: Sun Jul 10 2005 - 23:51:46 CDT
On Sat, Jul 09, 2005, mathew k varghese wrote:
> For building non-standard nucleic acids and for
> manipulating experimental structures structures can I
> use NAB? Is it very difficult to try it? Or could you
> suggest some other software.
Well, you can certainly download it and thumb through the manual. That should
give you an idea of the sorts of things it has been used for, and how they
were accomplished. Bear in mind that NAB is a special-purpose progarmming
language, that is designed to make the construction of non-standard models
easier than it might otherwise be. I can take some effort to learn to
formulate problems in terms that will take advantage of NAB's capabilities.
...good luck...dac
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