AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: AMBER: example script for hbond calculation
From: Vijay Manickam Achari (
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:27:15 CDT
Dear amber users below I have shown my script for
calculating hbons in micelle structure:-
trajin micelwat_md16_20.mdcrd
prnlev 2
#donor mask :1-27_at_O2',O3',O4',O5',O6'
donor mask :1-27_at_O2'
donor mask :1-27_at_O3'
donor mask :1-27_at_O4'
donor mask :1-27_at_O5'
donor mask :1-27_at_O6'
acceptor mask :1-27_at_O4 :1-27_at_H8
acceptor mask :1-27_at_O3 :1-27_at_H9
acceptor mask :1-27_at_O2 :1-27_at_H10
acceptor mask :1-27_at_O6 :1-27_at_H11
donor print
acceptor print
prnlev 0
hbond out output_hb2.dat \
time 1.0 \
angle 120.0 \
distance 4.0
My question:
1) what is the meaning of apostrophy (') every end of
atom name in donor line?
2) is there any different in writing the donor atoms
horizontal way or vertical way..?
3) in acceptor line do i need to put the symbol (')
end of Oxygen atom??
Wish anyone can help.
Thank you
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