AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: [ AMBER: compiler error, SGI Octane]
From: Roberto Gomperts (
Date: Wed Jun 29 2005 - 10:01:00 CDT
Dear Peter,
I am looking into this issue.
I am not able to reproduce the problem in-house.
Looking at the log of the failure I see that somehow the compiler thinks
that you are supplying a -32 flag instead of -n32.
I wonder if there is something funny with the setup of your MPISPro
compiler. Have you been able to compile any program with the f90 compiler?
Please try the following and send me the outcome:
Create a toy file, hello.f
write(6,*) 'hello'
Then compile with:
f90 -show hello.f
BTW there is another thing that draws my attention. Before the
compilation/linking of new2oldparm is that the makefile seems to be
skipping the CPP rule (?) But I am able to build the program with your
config.h file...
David A. Case wrote:
> Hi Roberto:
> Do you recognize the following problem? If you have any good ideas, please
> reply directly to
> ...thanks!...dave
> ----- Forwarded message from Peter Gannett <> -----
> Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 08:54:35 -0400
> From: "Peter Gannett" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: AMBER: compiler error, SGI Octane
> All:
> I'm trying to recompile amber (version 8) on a SGI Octane/Irix 6.5.21
> with SGI's mips compiler. I've a problem.
> 1) I run the configure script (in the .../src directory) with
> ./configure -mmtsb sgi_mips
> and get:
> ./configure -mmtsb sgi_mips
> AMBERHOME is set to /disk02/usr/local/amber8
> Setting up Amber configuration file for architecture: sgi_mips
> Using parallel communications library: none
> The configuration file, config.h, was successfully created.
> OK, things look OK so far. Then, I try to compile with:
> make serial
> and get
> Starting installation of Amber8 (serial) at Tue Jun 28 08:23:35 PDT
> 2005.
> mkdir ../exe
> Cannot create directory "../exe": File exists
> *** Error code 2 (bu21) (ignored)
> cd lib; make install
> f90 -n32 -mips4 -r10000 -o new2oldparm new2oldparm.o
> nxtsec.o
> f90: Error: -32 compilation not supported for ucode
> *** Error code 2 (bu21)
> *** Error code 1 (bu21)
> OK, so how do I fix this. Note, I am compiler illiterate. If it
> helps, the config.h file is below.
> Pete
> #==============================================================================
> # AMBER Makefile configuration for compiler/architecture: sgi_mips
> # Generated via command: ./configure -mmtsb sgi_mips
> #
> # Configuration script written mainly by Joe Krahn, Scott Brozell, and
> # Dave Case, with contributions from lots of people.
> #==============================================================================
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Main AMBER source root directory
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AMBER_SRC=/disk02/usr/local/amber8/src
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # AMBERBUILDFLAGS provides a hook into the build process for
> installers;
> # for example, to build debug versions of the amber programs
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # LOCALFLAGS is intended for program specific modifications to the
> # Fortran build process and may be modified by the program's local
> makefile
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Availability and method of delivery of math and optional libraries
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # C compiler
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CC= cc
> ALTCC=cc
> CFLAGS=-n32 -mips4 -r10000 -OPT:roundoff=3:IEEE_arithmetic=3 -TENV:X=1
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Fortran preprocessing and compiler.
> # FPPFLAGS holds the main Fortran options, such as whether MPI is
> used.
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FPP= /lib/cpp $(FPPFLAGS)
> FC= f90
> FFLAGS= -n32 -mips4 -r10000 -OPT:roundoff=3:IEEE_arithmetic=3 -TENV:X=1
> FOPTFLAGS= -n32 -mips4 -r10000 -OPT:roundoff=3:IEEE_arithmetic=3
> FREEFORMAT_FLAG= -freeform
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Loader:
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LOAD= f90 -n32 -mips4 -r10000 $(LOCALFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS)
> LOADCC= cc -n32 -mips4 -r10000 $(LOCALFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS)
> LOADLIB= -lscs -lfastm
> LOADPTRAJ= f90 -n32 -mips4 -r10000 $(LOCALFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS)
> XHOME= /usr/X11R6
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Other stuff:
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SUFFIXES: .f90
> SYSDIR=lib
> AR=ar rvs
> M4=m4 -B50000
> RANLIB=/bin/true
> SFX=
> MAKEDEPEND=$(AMBER_SRC)/../bin/amber_makedepend
> # default rules for Fortran and C compilation:
> .f.o: $<
> $(FPP) $< > $(FPP_PREFIX)$<
> $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) -o $@ $(FPP_PREFIX)$<
> .f90.o: $<
> $(FPP) $< > $(FPP_PREFIX)$<
> $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) -o $@ $(FPP_PREFIX)$<
> .c.o:
> $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<
> ----- End forwarded message -----
Roberto Gomperts VNET: 483-8851
One Cabot Road, Suite 250 Phone: (978) 562-8851
Hudson, MA 01749 Fax: (978) 562-7450
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