AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: Need help in charge fitting through RESP
From: junwang (junwang_at_unlserve.unl.edu)
Dear S.Sundar Raman:
Just follow directions from Dr. David Case.
Try this:
antechamber -i name.pdb -fi pdb -o name.com -fo gcrt
will create "name.com" that can be fed to Gaussian, e.g.
g03 < name.com > name.log
You'd better check "name.com" produced by antechamber to see if it makes sense to your case. Check the charge and spin multiplicity!
Now, you can use antechamber to automatically run the first and second
antechamber -i name.log -fi gout -o name.prepi -fo prepi \
Most of times this will work. But for very large organic molecules(>100 atoms) the fitting process may fail. In that case, you may use "-c esp " charge method instead.
Best regards,
Department of Chemistry
======= 2005-06-13 19:25:00 in your letter you mentioned that£º=======
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