AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: AMBER: eelnb

From: Stern, Julie (
Date: Mon Jun 06 2005 - 15:16:31 CDT

The anal program produced an output (below) with eelnb in the heading.
We just wanted to make sure we understand exactly what eelnb means - nb
is non-bonded, but what does eel exactly mean?
In the manual EEL is mentioned but also ELE at times. So, what do they
mean exactly and is there a difference between EEL and ELE?

non-bonded pairs are generated in residue base
    and stored as residue pairs

    number of non-bonded residue pairs = 1151

     individual pair energies greater than 0.00 kcal/mol:

  type groups description dist vdwnb

  NBOND 2- 2 CA( 1)-CZ( 6) 4.981 -0.031
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