AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: How can I read parm99.dat file?

From: Myunggi Yi (
Date: Fri May 06 2005 - 08:18:47 CDT

Thank you, Dr. Case and Dr. Ross

Does your answer mean if I make only library file for I-, and don't make
frcmod file,
the parameters, R = 2.35 and EDEP = 0.40, will be used automatically?

Am I right?

David A. Case wrote:

>On Wed, May 04, 2005, Myunggi Yi wrote:
>>Where can I get information to read the parm99.dat file?
>>I 126.9 4.690 iodine (Applequist)
>>I -CT 148.0 2.166 Junmei et al,99
>>I -CA 171.0 2.075 Junmei et al,99
>>I -CA-CA 70.0 118.80 Junmei et al,99
>>I -CT-CT 50.0 106.00 Junmei et al,99
>>I 2.35 0.40 JCC,7,(1986),230;
>>I know the first line the first colum is mass, and what is the second
>>colum and else?
>Please see
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