AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: AMBER: atommask error
From: Sergio E. Wong (
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 01:02:05 CDT
Hi amber users;
I am running into a problem using the restraint option ntr. My script
mdin file has the following lines:
ntr = 1,
restraintmask = ' :1-23_at_CA | :34-47_at_CA | :56-88_at_CA | :98-135_at_CA | :146-160_at_CA | :168-206_at_CA | :213-999_at_CA ',
I get the following error:
Error in group input::atommask.f::pop_evalstack
stack underflow
if I reduce the number of terms in the restraint mask i.e.
restraintmask = ' :1-23_at_CA | :34-47_at_CA | :56-88_at_CA | :213-999_at_CA ',
Then there is no problem. I'm guessing there is some array length that
needs to be adjusted and the program recompiled. I just need to know
where in the source code is this parameter specified.
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