AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: big fluctuation in MM-PBSA/GA

From: Xin Hu (
Date: Fri Apr 15 2005 - 15:53:02 CDT

> On 4/15/05, Xin Hu <> wrote:
>> >
>> > A snapshot was taken every 2ps for binding energy calculation
>> > (according to Tutorial_03). Here is the statistics.out.
>> >
>> Hi Eric,
>> I am a newer of MM_PBSA. What's the tutorial_03?
> /amber8/src/mm_pbsa/Examples/03_MMPBSA_Binding/

Hi Eric,
Thanks for your help.
I tested these examples before. One question about the input parameter in
/amber8/src/mm_pbsa/Examples/, should I just use all the defacult
parameters for my own project, such as the GB parameters, the MAXCYC=10000
and DRMS=0.0001 for NM, the CHARGE (my_amber94_delphi.crg) and SIZE
(my_parse_delphi.siz) for the PB delphi (PROC=1), etc? I am not sure whether
these parameters are specifically used by Dr. Gohlke for the Ras_Raf work,
or they are generally optimized and applicable to other works?



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