AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: AMBER: Sander/Mpich2 error with mpd_singinit
From: Joe Nolan (
Date: Thu Apr 14 2005 - 15:00:09 CDT
Dear Amber community,
Our installation of Amber8 was set up to work with Mpich2 via:
>./configure -mpich
with MPICH_HOME pointing to the Mpich2 directory. Subsequently the
"make parallel" step was undertaken and all went smoothly. However,
upon attempting to run sander the following error is reported:
>huey# sander -O -i -o min2.out -p \
> -c \
>2c9_114mutantCminfix1solvateions_flp.crd -r \
>2c9_114mutantCminfix1solvateions_flp.rst &
>[1] 633
>huey# mpd_singinit: execv failed: No such file or directory
My best guess is that with Mpich2 the "mpd_singinit" command is named
as something else. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, as
always! - Msgr.E.J.Nolan IV
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