AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: RE: AMBER: Dual Xeon EM64T Intel Fortran Compile Problem
From: Shekter, Lee (Lee_Shekter_at_brown.edu)
Hello -
The fix was this:
Line 114 of $AMBERHOME/src/leap/src/leap/Makefile changed to "lib64" from "lib" in order for AMBER to compile against the 64-bit version of the Xt libraries
Now, AMBER8 compiles completely, using ./configure -p4 -static -ifort, yet when I cd'd to the test directory and issued a "make test" command, I got this:
cd dmp; ./Run.dmp
The last line is similar to previously reported errors, usually caused by not sourcing ifortvars.sh (I *do* source it, and if I issue an echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get this: /opt/intel/mkl72/lib/32:/opt/intel_fc_81/lib), but the SIGSEGV? This error was also reported on Aug 6, 2004 but in that user's case, all the tests had run successfully. I can't run any.
I am using the most recent Intel Fortran, Version 8.1, Build 20050207, Package ID: l_fc_pc_8.1.024 along with gcc 3.2.3 on a dual Xeon EM64T machine with RHEL 3.0, update 4.
Lee Shekter
Assistant Professor (Adjunct) Medical Science
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