AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: AMBER 8 installation problem -- undefined reference to `EXIT'

Date: Tue Mar 22 2005 - 18:46:26 CST

Dear Dr. Zhang,

Many thanks, Your solution solves the "exit" problem. Now I got new
problems during compiling sander:

cf90-1640 f90fe: ERROR CNSTPHREAD, File = _mdread.f, Line = 1493, Column = 39
  Dummy arguments with the INTENT(OUT) attribute must be defined before use.

               = chrgdat(stateinf(itres)%first_charge + iatom &
!corresponding atom charge value

I also meet get the following when I compile nmode:

new_stuff.o(.text+0x1adf): In function `politr':
: undefined reference to `wallclock'
nmdfil.o(.text+0x189): In function `nmdfil':
: undefined reference to `iargc'
nmdfil.o(.text+0x1c2): In function `nmdfil':
: undefined reference to `getarg'
../lib/sys.a(sys.o)(.text+0x26): In function `amdate':
: undefined reference to `fdate'
../lib/sys.a(sys.o)(.text+0x10b): In function `amflsh':
: undefined reference to `flush'
Is this due to my compiler?


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