AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: AMBER: Bio-Image summer school in Paris this year

From: Marc Baaden (
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 05:44:47 CST

Dear Amber users,

I hope the following will be of interest to people on this list.


===================== FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT =====================
 Single Molecule Micromanipulation, Visualization and Modeling
            PARIS-FRANCE: 11 JULY - 22 JULY 2005

We are organizing a summer school dedicated to Single Molecule
Micromanipulation, Visualization and Modeling in Paris on the Montagne
St. Geneviève from July 11th to the 22th 2005.

The following speakers have confirmed their participation:

Wolfgang Baumeister (MPI Martinsried, Germany)
Maïté Coppey-Moisan (IJM, Paris, France)
Maxime Dahan (CNRS-ENS, Paris, France)
Hermann Gaub (Univ. München, Germany)
Gilad Haran (Weizmann Institute Rehovot, Israel)
Stephen Harvey (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Elmar Krieger (CMBI, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Arthur Lesk (CIMR, Cambridge, UK)
Keir Neuman (ENS, Paris, France)
William E Moerner (Stanford, USA)
Arthur J Olson (Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA)
Helen Saibil (Birkbeck, London, UK)
Klaus Schulten (UIUC, Illinois, USA)
Steven B Smith (Univ. California, Berkeley, USA)
Sunney Xie (Harvard, Cambridge, USA)
Joseph Zyss (ENS Cachan, France)
François Amblard (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Richard Lavery (IBPC, Paris, France)
Antoine Triller (Inserm-ENS, Paris, France)

We kindly invite you to log on to our website for further information:

You can also download a flyer describing this Summer School by
following this link:

Yours sincerely,
The organisers

François Amblard (Institut Curie, Paris)
Marc Baaden (IBPC, Paris)
Claude Boccara (ESPCI, Paris)
Vincent Croquette (ENS, Paris)
Jean-Pierre Henry (IBPC, Paris)
Jean Herscovici (ENSCP, Paris)
Richard Lavery (IBPC, Paris)
Antoine Triller (ENS, Paris)

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