AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: X Windows for LEaP on SGI

From: Thomas Patko (
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 23:44:26 CST

There are pre-compiled Win32 binaries (with graphical
installer) of the GNU cygwin XServer package (including
ssh client) available at:

You will want to change the Command field in xwinlogon
from the default "startkde" to "xterm" (or something
similar). You should be able to pass xLeap through your
xterm ssh session.

You might want to try this free open source implementation
for windows before buying a proprietary win xserver
package. I know that it works fine with AMD64 & IA32
Linux servers, although I have not tried it with SGI.



On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 18:05:01 -0800
  "Ross Walker" <> wrote:
> Dear Akshay,
> You will need to install an xwindows server on your
>windows machine if you
> haven't already. I believe cygwin comes with a free X11
> Once you have an X11 server up and running so that you
>can view xterms etc
> (see cygwin or your xserver manual for details) you can
>then login to your
> sgi machine.
> If you ssh into your sgi machine X11 packets will
>probably be exported by
> default. In this case you should just be able to run
>xleap and the display
> will appear on your windows machine. If you login using
>something like
> telnet then you need to enter the command
> setenv DISPLAY where
>is the ip address of
> your windows machine. You can then just run xleap and
>again the display
> should be "exported" to your windows machine.
> The important thing here is that no special settings /
>flags are required
> with xleap. As long as X11 exporting is setup correctly
>it should just
> work...
> I hope this helps.
> All the best
> Ross
> /\
> \/
> |\oss Walker
> | Department of Molecular Biology TPC15 |
> | The Scripps Research Institute |
> | Tel:- +1 858 784 8889 | EMail:-
> | | PGP Key available on
>request |
> Note: Electronic Mail is not secure, has no guarantee of
>delivery, may not
> be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or
>sensitive issues.
> _____
>[] On Behalf Of
> Akshay Patny
> Sent: 08 March 2005 13:08
> To:
> Subject: AMBER: X Windows for LEaP on SGI
> Hi AMBER Users
> I have never used AMBER before. I have set up AMBER 7 on
>my SGI Origin
> machine. I am trying to use X Windows as the GUI for the
>Leap program. Can
> anyone tell me the procedure for setting up the X
>windows as the GUI for
> Leap program of Amber 7? I am new, so I will appreciate
>if you can provide
> any sort of help.
> Thanks
> Akshay Patny
> Graduate Research Assistant
>Faser Hall 417, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
> Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> University of Mississippi
> University, MS 38677
> E-mail:
> Tel: 662-915-1286 (office); www:
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