AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: heating
From: Ilyas Yildirim (
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 17:02:17 CST
Hi Gustavo,
I had vlimit problem too, but my case was a little bit different. I used
SolvateOct methane TIP3PBOX 8.0
to solvate the solute. And when I tried to heat the system (or
equilibrate), I had this vlimit problem. It seems that I had to solvate
the system with a 12.0 A thickness to get rid of vlimit problem. Maybe
that is the reason in your case too; you should increase the thickness of
the solvent shell.
Good luck,
PS: How is your sander input file?
On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Gustavo Pierdominici Sottile wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I have the problem of the vlimit exceded as soon as
> I start the heating. What I did is this: from the crystallografic pdb , I
> use leap with the option solvateCap so as to have the protein in a sphere.
> The I practiced a quit optimization , and with the last structure I used it
> to start the heating procedure. Using both tempi=0.0 (so velocities are
> calculated from the forces), or tempi=1.0 (so as to try other thing) ; the
> problem of vlimit exceded appears at the step number 80. Then it goes on and
> explotes.
> I see the initial structure and seems to be write. When I use solvateCap of
> tleap the parameter [closeness] is the default one (1.0)
> I use amber7
> If someone knnows what is happening and/or how can I do to see which is the
> reason of the problem, please write me
> Thanking in advance
> Gustavo
Ilyas Yildirim
- Department of Chemisty - -
- University of Rochester - -
- Hutchison Hall, # B10 - -
- Rochester, NY 14627-0216 - Ph.:(585) 275 67 66 (Office) -
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