AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber8 Solaris installation failure

From: Joe Nolan (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2005 - 14:24:28 CST

Dear Amber community,
    Upon trial of Mr. Dodson's idea, Installation proceeds smoothly
until this error is encountered:

m4:xaLeap.rm4:993 pushed back more than 4096 chars
define(TABLE_SHELL,XaLeap*$1TableShell.wcClassName: TopLevelShell
XaLeap*$1TableShell.wcChildren: $1TablePanel
XaLeap*$1TableShell.wcCallback: XATRegisterShell()
XaLeap*$1TableShell.wcPopups: findDialog
XaLeap*$1TableShell.title: XLEaP: $2
XaLeap*$1TableShell.iconName: $2
XaLeap*$1TableShell.iconPixmap: table1
XaLeap*$1TableShell.destroyCallback: $3 WcDestroyCB( .*findDialog )

XaLeap*$1TableShell.wcAfterChildren: \
        XASetPopdown( .*findDialog .*$1Find .*findDialog*cancel)

!! The name of this widget is using in file xaTable.c (XATSaveTable)
      The table is not correct !! \n\
Do you really want to save the table ? \n,XATReallySaveTable(//),,,Save
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `XaLeap_wcl'
Current working directory /space/amber8/src/leap/src/leap
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `install'
Current working directory /space/amber8/src/leap
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `serial'

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