AMBER Archive (2005)

Subject: Re: AMBER: installation of amber 8 on windows

From: David Mathews (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2005 - 10:01:54 CST

Dear Anshul,

         It looks like the default behavior for ifort on Windows is to
generate object files with a .obj extension. I don't know where this can
be changed.
         I suggest modifying the amber Makefile so that it refers to object
files ending in *.obj instead of *.o for objects generated by ifort. Then
the linker will be able to find the object files.

         Hope this helps.


At 09:33 AM 2/18/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Dave,
>Thanks for the reply. For installation I am using Cygwin and not Microsoft
>Visual Studio. And the compiler used is Intel F-90 (ifort). The machine
>used is P-4.
>Any Suggestions??
>With best regards,

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