AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: Re: AMBER: Carnal in Amber8
From: Bill Ross (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2005 - 13:47:15 CST
> Dear Amber users,
> Is there available a carnal version that is compatible with amber8?
> I have troubles in reading trajectory files created with ptraj (from
> amber8) in Carnal of Amber7. I am asking this because Carnal had some
> very nice features like defining planes and calculating distances and
> angles between planes. I had some scripts built for this purpose and I
> was trying to use them on new trajectories but Carnal does not load
> properly these new trajectories created with ptraj after processing.
> I would be grateful if somebody can give me an advice on this? Could
> ptraj do the same things as Carnal?
Carnal is being discontinued (dropped from future amber distributions
as I understand it). Perhaps it can live on in some form if users can
self-support, in which case as its author I will be glad to advise.
Perhaps some of the code can be adapted for ptraj.
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