AMBER Archive (2005)Subject: AMBER: Problems with xLEaP
From: Kara Di Giorgio (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 16:04:14 CST
I'm having difficulty working with xLEap running on a Mac Powerbook G4
using X11. I'm working on the tutorial by Ross Walker "Simulating a
Solvated Protein that Contains Non-Standard Residues" and am at the
point where I need to draw in the bonds in xLEap. Whenever I do
anything involving zooming, selecting or rotating, the mouse gets
"stuck" in rotation mode and I can't figure out how to get out of it.
It won't even let me access the menu area above the molecule. I get
stuck and then can't do anything. It's getting frustrating. Does
anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?
Kara Di Giorgio
University of the Pacific
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