AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: loading frcmod.mod_phipsi.1

From: Bill Ross (
Date: Thu Sep 02 2004 - 17:07:44 CDT

> Could not open file /home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1: No such
> file or directory

This is a very subtle problem. Fortunately I am on the same machine,
and your permissions are sufficient for me to take a look.

Note that 'ls /home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1' gives the
same result:

  guanine.20% ls /home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1
  ls: /home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1 not found

It turns out that you created a file with a space at the end of the
name - try:

  ls -l '/home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1 '


  mv '/home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1 ' /home/socr/b/bybaker/frcmod.mod_phipsi.1

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