AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: AMBER: question about Ptraj
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 11:32:07 CDT
Dear all,
I was trying to use Ptraj to do some essential dynamics calculation. But
it turns out that I don't have the right version of ptraj (I am using
Ptraj from Amber7). Because when I types the command:
"matrix covar name mcovar", it gave me such warnings:
WARNING in dispatchToken: Token string "matrix" not found in tokenlist
WARNING in dispatchToken: Token string "covar" not found in tokenlist
WARNING in dispatchToken: Token string "name" not found in tokenlist
WARNING in dispatchToken: Token string "mcovar" not found in tokenlist
I heard that a new version of Ptraj (come with Amber8) is needed. So I am
wondering where can I find the new version of Ptraj? If possible, would
anyone please send me a copy?
Thanks a lot for your kind help!
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