AMBER Archive (2003)Subject: Isotropic Solvent Box
From: N. Jiten Singh (jiten_at_postech.ac.kr)
Dear Amber Users,
When I generate the solvent Box using SolvateBox with iso options it is shown to create the cubic box -but when I save it using saveoff the boundbox parameters have ractangular box parameters. Then I modify the box parameters to be cubic in Topology file after saving top anc crd files. When I equilibrated the solvent box using Sander or Sander_classic it forms ractangular equlibrated box.
I am interested in making a perfect equlibrated box just like it is provided in Amber solvents.lib.
Can anyone help me to create an equlibrated cubic Box.
Thanking you,
Best wihses
N. Jiten Singh
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