AMBER Archive (2002)

Subject: Problems with poly(A)-poly(T) tutorial...

From: Andrei Leitão (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 14:55:53 CDT

 Hi everybody,

 I am starting to work with AMBER program and I have a
question about the poly(A)-poly(T) tutorial (sorry if this
question was already answered before).
 The tutorial homepage from this DNA oligomer does not show
how to build the archives parm.prmtop and parm.inpcrd. They
are used to do a minimization step holding the solute
 When I tried to run the minimization step I got the
following error message:
Input/Output Error 146: Variable not in Namelist

   In Procedure: mdread1
        At Line: 735

      Statement: Namelist READ
           Unit: 5
   Connected To:
           Form: Formatted
         Access: Sequential
Records Read : 119
Records Written: 0

Current I/O Buffer:

  ndfmin = 0, ntcm = 0, nscm = 0,

End of diagnostics

 Thank you very much for any kind of help,

Andrei Leitão
Doutorando em Química Medicinal
Graduante Student in Medicinal Chemistry
NEQUIM - Núcleo de Estudos em Química Medicinal - UFMG
NEQUIM - Medicinal Chemistry Group

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