AMBER Archive (2002)Subject: Re:Re: Running TIP5P with PBC
From: Sarah Tschampel (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 12:32:32 CDT
After bringing the system (box of tip5p) to 300K at constant volume, i
then switched over to constant pressure (NTP=1)
using NTX=4 there are no problems with the simulation, but when i switch
to NTX=1 I get the following error:
EWALD BOMB in subroutine ewald_list
volume of ucell too big, too many subcells
list grid memory needs to be reallocated, restart sander
restarting only results in a failure after the first step.
(There are also many warning that vlimit has been exceeded.)
Therefore, is it okay to use NTX=4 and will I get results that can be
compared to a different simulation using NTX=1.
Thank you,
input file:
NTX=5, IG=71277, TEMPI=300.0, HEAT=0.0,
NTB=2, NTC=2, TOL=0.0005, NTF=2, NSNB=25,
NTT=1, TEMP0=300.0, DTEMP=5.0, TAUTP=0.25,
NTP=1, PRES0=1.0, COMP=44.6,
NSTLIM=250000, T=0.0, DT=0.001,
CUT=8.0, SCNB=2.0, SCEE=1.2, DIELC=1.0,
DX0=0.01, DXM=0.5,
IBELLY=0, NTWX=500, NSCM=1000,
lastist=5000000, IWRAP=1,