AMBER Archive (2001)

Subject: AMBER vdW

From: Ryan H. Lilien (Ryan.H.Lilien_at_Dartmouth.EDU)
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 08:41:59 CDT

  I'm trying to implement the AMBER vdw term and am coming across missing parameters. I am using parm96.dat (or parm99.dat) and am using the amino acid templates. Several atom types specified in the file are not found in the parm96.dat (or parm99.dat). Specifically the atom types N3, C*, CW, NA, CN, and CB don't have R and e values in the parm files. Since these atom types are specified in your AA-template file I'm assuming that you have parameters for them. Please advise.

Thank you,
Ryan Lilien

Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College