AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: RE: AMBER: how to prepare Zn.lib
From: Ross Walker (ross_at_rosswalker.co.uk)
Dear Yon,
> I want to simulate one protein with Zn2+ and Ca2+ ions.
Note Zn2+ currently exists in parm99.dat so you should just be able to use
Try the following:
Create a pdb file with a single Zinc atom in it. The coordinates don't
ATOM 1239 Zn Zn 1 1.069 -8.424 1.759 1.00 10.99
Open xleap
>xleap -s -f $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff99
Load the zinc pdb file
ZNA = loadpdb zinc.pdb
Edit ZNA
Select the zinc atom in the window and select edit selected atoms:
>Zn ZNA 2.000 Zn
Since we won't be creating any bonds to this atom this is more or less all
Close the editor and edit window. Save a library file of the zinc atom.
>saveoff ZNA ZNA.lib
Now quit xleap.
Now create (in your favourite editor an frcmod file for zinc 2+). We shall
>vi frcmod.zna
In the file add the following (Note: I got these parameters from parm99.dat,
This frcmod file is for ZNA (zinc 2+ ion).
Save this as frcmod.zna and then put both this file and the zna.lib file
Now, for a protein containing Zn2+ you would edit the PDB and change the
Then open xleap:
Load the ZNA lib file (and any other lib files you may need)
>loadoff ZNA.lib
Then load the ZNA parameter file, and any other parameter files you may
>loadamberparm frcmod.zna
Then finally load your protein pdb. The ZNA residue should now be
>PROT = loadpdb myprotein.pdb
Solvate, neutralise etc etc..
>saveamberparm PROT myprotein.prmtop myprotein.inpcrd
And there you go. So for any protein with Zn2+ ions you would just change
I hope this makes sense.
All the best
| Department of Molecular Biology TPC15 |
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