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Bye.natomsnatomsERROR: Molecules differ. Bye.%s [-mat] [-rot] [-mean] [-sd] [-cmp pdbfile] [-pr atom_sel] [-fit atom_expr] [-calc atom_expr] pdbfiles -fit-calc-pr-mat-rot-mean-sd-cmpMolecule %d = %s --> %s Molecule %d = %s Cannot get pdb file %s. Bye. strandnumresnumERROR: At least 2 pdb structures are required. Bye.ERROR: No atoms defined by the fit atom expression ERROR: No atoms defined by the calc atom expression -mean : Mean structure will be output to "%s" mean.pdb All atom fit. -fit : Fitting on the atom expression "%s" : %d atoms. All atom RMSDs. -calc : Calculating on the atom expression "%s" : %d atoms. ERROR: superimpose() failed. Check your atom expressions.ERROR: rmsd() failed. Check your atom expressions.tatomnumxtatomnumtatomnumytatomnumtatomnumztatomnumtatomnumxtatomnumytatomnumz Pairwise difference matrix by molecule number : --------- %2d |%6.2f ---------- %6d Difference from mean by molecule number : ------ %6.2f ------ %4d RMS pairwise difference between structures = %5.3f Standard Deviation = %5.3f RMS difference from mean structure = %5.3f Standard Deviation = %5.3f ERROR: -cmp: Cannot get pdb file %s Difference from %s by molecule number : ------ %6.2f ------ %4d Rotated %s will be output to file %s RMS difference from %s = %5.3f Standard Deviation = %5.3f mean.pdb per-residue RMS differences: strandnumresnumstrandnumresnum%4s %5d %8.3f resnametresnumstrandnumresnumsubstr: pos (%d) not in string substr: can't allocate substring NAB_strcat: can't allocate new string NAB_strcpy: can't allocate new string NAB_readstring: can't allocate new string can't allocate new a_pos array can't allocate new a_pos array can't allocate new a_mask array superimpose: atom mismatch: mol(%d) & r_mol(%d) can't allocate new a_mask array can't allocate new a_pos array can't allocate new ra_pos array rms: no atoms selected in mol 1 rms: no atoms selected in mol 2 rms: atom mismatch m1(%d) & m2(%d) rms: can't allocate new a1pos array rms: can't allocate new a2pos array setpoint: %s: no atoms selected Unable to allocate space for %s. new moleculenew strand %sUnable to allocate space for %s. name for new strand %sUnable to allocate space for %s. Strand %s not in molecule. residue array in strand %s Unable to allocate space for %s. Strand %s not in molecule. #%2d not in strand %sResidue %s. %s not in residue %sAtom %s. #%2d not in strand %s Residue %s. %s not in residue %sAtom %s. bond between %s %d:%s and %s %d:%sUnable to allocate space for %s. bond between %s %d:%s and %s %d:%sUnable to allocate space for %s. lastfirstfirstlast%s/%send1/end2 in ligate() must be be 5'/3' or 3'/5 not %s Strand %s not in molecule. Strand %s not in molecule. Unable to allocate space for %s. merged residue arrayanglep: p1, p2 are coincident, returning 0.0 anglep: p2, p3 are coincident, returning 0.0 dnarnaaasetreskind: ERROR: unknown rkind %s nstrandsnresiduesnatomsNAB_mri: unknown key: %s resnumtresnumstrandnumNAB_rri: unknown key: %s resnameresidstrandnameNAB_rrc: unknown key: %s strandnumresnumtresnumatomnumtatomnumint1NAB_ari: unknown key: %s xyzchargeradiusfloat1float2NAB_arf: unknown key: %s atomnameresnameresidstrandnamefullname%d:%d:%sNAB_arc: unknown key: %s copied external bondsUnable to allocate space for %s. Strand %s not in molecule. PO5'O5*O1POAPO2POBPHBO5'O5*HEO3'O3*C3'C3*HEHECan't create new atom array Can't create new atom index array @Lc?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9?FR9@ !TD-@f@ !TD-@f@v?Q?pXK?Q?pXK?QFATAL: %s allocation failure in vector()allocation failure in ivector()allocation failure in ivector()allocation failure 1 in matrix()allocation failure 2 in matrix()allocation failure 1 in matrix()allocation failure 2 in matrix()?ə-rgetpdb: can't open file %s -rgetpqr: can't open file %s -rgetcif: can't open file %s putpdb: NULL molecule -wCan't open file %s. putcif: NULL molecule -wCan't open file %s. putpqr: NULL molecule wCan't open file %s. putbnd: NULL molecule wCan't open file %s. Unable to allocate space for %s. aoff array in putbnd%d %d %d %d putlnkin: NULL molecule wCan't open file %s. %s nab generated structure%s -- amber db.file -- DU %5d%5d%5d%5d%5d Strand %3d: %s %c%4d%5d%5d%5d%5d QUIT putdist: NULL molecule wcan't open dist file %s %3d %-4s %-4s %3d %-4s %4s %8.3f %-4s%dATOMHETATM%d%lf%lf%lf%dTERENDATOMHETATM%d%lf%lf%lf%lf %lf%dTERENDgetcif routine not implemnted in this version! fputpdb: NULL molecule fputpdb: NULL file pointer ATOM %5d %-4s %3s %c%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3fATOM %05d %-4s %4s %c%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3fATOM %5d %-4s %3s %-6s %8.3f%8.3f%8.3fATOM %05d %-4s %3s %-6s %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f %10.4f %8.3f TER HBHEHEH5MH7C5MC7molmolio.cfpmolio.cdata_%s ########### ## ENTRY ## ########### _entry.id %s ############### ## ATOM_SITE ## ############### loop_ _atom_site.id _atom_site.label_atom_id _atom_site.label_comp_id _atom_site.label_asym_id _atom_site.auth_seq_id _atom_site.cartn_x _atom_site.cartn_y _atom_site.cartn_z _atom_site.label_entity_id _atom_site.label_seq_id %5d %-4s %3s %c %4d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %3d %4d ?333333?NABHOMENABHOME not defined getreslibkind: unknown reslib %s UNDEFdnarnaaaUNDEFNABHOMENABHOME not defined getreslibkind: unknown reslib %s dnaDNArnaRNAaaAANABHOMENABHOME not defined ADEDAGUADGTHYDTCYTDCADERAGUARGURARUCYTRC3355%s not in library %sResidue %s. new PARMSTRUCT %sUnable to allocate space for %s. copyparm AtomNames %sUnable to allocate space for %s. copyparm ResNames %sUnable to allocate space for %s. copyparm AtomSym %sUnable to allocate space for %s. copyparm AtomTree %sUnable to allocate space for %s. new residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. atoms in new residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. atom index in new residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. bonds in new residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. chirality in residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. new strand %sUnable to allocate space for %s. Unable to allocate space for %s. copystrand pointer arraystrandname %sUnable to allocate space for %s. copymoleculeUnable to allocate space for %s. .libleap/%srCan't open residue library %s. rCan't open residue library %s. new reslib %sUnable to allocate space for %s. name for new reslib %sUnable to allocate space for %s. .lib%s %s typednarnaaaatomtypeunitedalloffpdbrpdb file %sCan't open file %s. bndrbnd file %sCan't open file %s. qrrqr file %sCan't open file %s. chirchi file %sCan't open file %s. %-*.*sIncorrect line in residue library header %s... ./../%s/reslib/%s!indexentry.%s.unit.nameunit.atomsunit.positionsunit.connectivityREMARKATOMHETATM%s %d %s %s %d %lf %lf %lf# %s%-*.*sIncorrect header line in bond file: %s... %d %d%-*.*sIncorrect data line in bond file: %s... # %s%-*.*schi2reslib: bad line in chirality file: %s chi2reslib: res %s not in %s %s %s %s %schi2reslib: atom "%s" not in residue "%s" chi2reslib: atom "%s" not in residue "%s" chi2reslib: atom "%s" not in residue "%s" chi2reslib: atom "%s" not in residue "%s" REMATOMHETATM%s %d %s %s %d %lf %lfREMARK RESLIB %s %sDNARNAAAUNITEDALLATOMresidue %s in reslib %sUnable to allocate space for %s. atoms in residue %s in reslib %sUnable to allocate space for %s. bonds of residue %sUnable to allocate space for %s. %s not in reslib %s Residue %s. %s not in reslib %s Residue %s. addchi2reslib: can't alloc r_chiral for %s addchi2reslib: res %s not reslib %s ?UUUg?UUUgAn error occured in line: %d Message: %s ! singlearraytable intdblstr int dbl str %s !%s %s %ssinglearraytableUnknown modifierintdblstrUnknown entry typeTried to parse:%s: as a headerWARNING: Nonunique entry in database: %s found %d%lG %d 0.0 %lf %lE %cUnknown value type: %d Unknown value type: %d t9423848wCould not open scratch filer+rr+w+Illegal database open mode The DATABASE has the wrong access mode.DATABASE is read-only!rr+w+Illegal database open mode The DATABASE has the wrong access mode.The DATABASE has the wrong access mode.Illegal read of sequential file after a writeDATABASE is read-only!When PUTing into a DATABASE there must be a MODIFIER!When PUTing into a DATABASE there must be a TYPE!%s intdblstrIllegal table type!DATABASE is read-only!Too many prefixes on stackToo many POPs from prefix stackToo many prefixes on stack@@?6C-@@@@@,@T@|@AA@AhAAselect_atoms: atom-expr too complicated :::,,,,,atom range not allowed ,atom range not allowed *Range endpoint too large. Bad number. ``\ digit'' out of range. Illegal or missing delimiter. No remembered search string. \( \) imbalance. Too many \(. More than 2 numbers given in \{ \}. First number exceeds second in \{ \}. [ ] imbalance. Regular expression too long. Unknown error %d A,A.A.A.A.A,A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A,A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A-A.A.A.A.A- A-@A-`A-A.A-A.A.A-A-A=4A;A;ADA;A=A< ACA;A>ABF XE30US#PPS "02#00 "@B "@@U5(5!& &$PP"6$"6% !&&v#&&v#&(&AH!$!!#!"PS PS PS PS `c$ `c$ `c$ 00034AP%QPPPS PSӁ ```c0& !06%555555555570  '0" $'(4S!  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