LIGPLOT parameters: 6. COLOURS

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The colours of the background to the plot, and of various symbols, plotted on the LIGPLOT diagram, can be defined as follows:-

CREAM          <- Background colour of page
PURPLE         <- Ligand bonds [or ATOM - see Note]
ORANGE         <- Non-ligand bonds [or ATOM - see Note]
OLIVE GREEN    <- Hydrogen bonds
PURPLE         <- External covalent bonds
BRICK RED      <- Hydrophobic interactions
ORANGE         <- Accessibility shading: Buried atoms
YELLOW         <- Accessibility shading: Accessible atoms
BLUE           <- Nitrogen atoms
RED            <- Oxygen atoms
BLACK          <- Carbon atoms
YELLOW         <- Sulphur atoms
TURQUOISE      <- Water atoms
PURPLE         <- Phosphorus atoms
PINK           <- Iron atoms
LIME GREEN     <- All other atoms
BLACK          <- Atom edges
BLACK          <- Circles in simple-residue representation

The definitions of the different colours are given at end of file (see COLOUR DEFINITIONS).

Note that, if "ATOM" is entered as the colour of the ligand- or non-ligand bonds, the bonds will be coloured such that each half is of the colour of the atom bonded at that end.

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