1. align #all script for align in spider 2. batchboxer.csh #EMAN1 change box size 3. copy2smb.sh #copy to smb server 4. ctf_filter2rl.sh #filter micrographs by defocus/resolution from ctffind4 and generate .star file for Relion 5. DfCorrY.sh #script to run Agard motincorr 1.0 6. Dflog_list.sh #chack micrographs for missing frame [black] 7. dm2mrcMoCoFFT.sh #script to run motioncorr 8. sxctf_filter2rl.sh #filter micrographs by defocus/resolution form sxctre.py and generate .star file for Relion 9. dm3tomrc_s #convert .dm3 to .mrc 10. dm4tomrc.sh #convert .dm4 to .mrc 11. dosefgpu_driftcorr #Yifan motion correction software v2.1 12. Frop_dm4Stk.sc #Teru script for motincorr 1.0 13. Gautomatch-v0.50_sm_30_cu5.5_x86_64 #Gautomatch software 14. Gctf-v0.50_sm_30_cu5.5_x86_64 #Gctf software 15. list_ctffind4_V3.sh #make list of ctf parameters from ctffind4 16. loop4dm.sh #convert .dm4 to .mrc and copy to new dir 17. motioncorr #Yifan motion correction software v 18. motioncorr2_1.sh #script to run motioncorr 2.1 19. mrc_rescale.sc #script to rescale the mrc file, and reverse the contrast 20. RCToutput.sh #write output from RCT e2boxer 21. toBinned.sh #bined file 22. toHdf.sh #convert .dm3 to .hdf 23. toRenameInc.sh #change file name&number 24. UcsfDfCorr-12-27-2015 #Agard motion correction software 25. stack2spier #make stack for spider 26. gctf.sh #ctf parameter on GPU using Gctf can do CTF for tilt 27. gpick #autopick on GPU using Gautomatch 28. sxcter.py #script to run sxcter on Accre 29. sb2accre_template.sh #template slurme script to run software from SBgrid on ACCRE 30. mpc_rt.com #script to do on-the-fly data processing (dm4 motioncorr Gautomatch Gctf)