#!/bin/tcsh -f # multireference alignment and classification ### ### # randomly geneterated first round references # # # # # ### ### # Edit the variables in the VARIABLES section to match your data # # # # run using command : ./mra.sc > mra.log & ### # # # # uses proceedures: # alqmd.mra # center.mra # combat.mra ########### # VARIABLES ########### set part_nums = 6542 # The number of particles in the stack set image_size = 128 # The size of the image (assumed squared) set outer_radius = 50 # The size of the outer radius for alignment mask set inner_radius = 1 # The size of the inner radius for alignment mask set factors_or_raw = 1 # If factors_or_raw = 1 classify based on raw data # If factors_or_raw = 2 classify based on factors from Principal Component Analysis set num_of_factors = 10 # If factors_or_raw = 2, set the number of factors to use set num_of_groups = 20 # Set the number of groups to align particles into set num_of_iterations = 10 # The number of times we should iterate alignment procedure set ext = "ntc" # the data extension for your project (ie file_0001.EXT, EXT is extension) set input_stack = "../Stacks/sp3x_spider" # The name of the input stack to be aligned ########### # PROGRAM - no edits ########### # spimple program, output the data to the b03.mra batch file # then run it # if people have put on the .ext to the stack name lets kill it AHHH HA HA HA set stack_name = `echo $input_stack | awk -F "/" '{printf("%s",$NF)}' | awk -F "." '{printf("%s",$1)}'` set stack_path = `echo $input_stack | awk -F "/" 'BEGIN{i=1}{while( i < NF){printf("%s/",$i); i++}}'` set real_stack = `echo $stack_path$stack_name` # output step printf "\n\nOutputting data and creating b03.mra\n\n" sed "s/PART/$part_nums/g" b03template.mra | sed "s/SIZE/$image_size/g" | sed "s/OUT_RAD/$outer_radius/g" | sed "s/IN_RAD/$inner_radius/g" | sed "s/RAW/$factors_or_raw/g" | sed "s/FACTORS/$num_of_factors/" | sed "s/GROUP/$num_of_groups/" | sed "s/ITER/$num_of_iterations/" | sed "s;INPUT;$real_stack;" > b03.mra printf "DONE" # run program printf "\n\nRunning Spider Now...\n\n" #set OS = `echo $HOSTTYPE` #if ($OS == "i386-linux") set spider = "/programs/i386-linux/spider/15.06/spider/bin/spider" #if ($OS == "iris4d") set spider = "/programs/iris4d/spider/8.02/spider/bin/spider5" #set spider = "/programs/i386-linux/spider/15.06/spider/bin/spider" set spider = "/programs/i386-linux/spider/8.02/bin/spider" $spider <